Dear Friends,
First of All, I need to share with you the tragic and sad news about the accidental death of my dear nephew Louis Lebel. He was the Godson of my late sister Alix (whose name was given to the ADF/ Alix Donations Fund), and was a strong supporter of our fund raising. He was planning to join forces with me and extended the impact of the ADF toward other countries in the World. He will be so dearly missed. Please do keep my family in your mind and prayers as we are going through this tough moments. Thank you again
Greetings from Norman, OK, where the University semester is ending and students are getting ready to attend graduation and then go on vacation. I am still very busy raising the money for our Museum addition and we have already started construction (Opening in Oct 2011). July will see me at the Getty Museum for an intense training program, then on vacation in France until Mid-August, when I will need to be back in Norman as the University semester will start again.
Sorry for the delay, as I was waiting for the final photos from the 3 projects you have been supporting this year. CONGRATULATION, we raised $30,000 ( a little more than my goal) and managed(even in these difficult financial times) to help more than 10,000 people (families, children etc...).
ONCE AGAIN and for now 6 years in the row, thank you , thank you and thank you for your support, generosity and friendship.
please look at the following photos and details about each projects which you had helped and I hope that you will enjoy this report.
Also, once again, Thank you to my dear friend Franz Schnaas who helped me designing the email and managing the campaign.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Louis - Alix Donation Fund Project 2008/09
Chers Amis de Louis
(See english version following this message)
Merci du fond du coeur de m'avoir contacté pour faire un don au "Alix Donations Fund (ADF)" en mémoire de mon neveu Louis. Le ADF a été fondé en 2003 en mémoire de ma soeur Alix, décédée Il y a 23 ans. Elle était la marraine de Louis.
Le ADF récolte des dons chaque année avant Noel, afin d'aider les enfants de la rue et les familles du Guatemala (enfants handicapés sans soutien, scolarite des enfants de la rue et distribution des filtres d'eau qui sauvent la vie de nombreuses familles.
Louis soutenait cette mission et nous parlions depuis un an de passer au niveau superieur, car Il voulait s'associer à ce projet et le developper en Europe afin d'aider d'autres pays comme le Sri Lanka et l'Egypte.
Je suis très touché d'avance de vos dons. Connaissant le soucis d'éfficacité de Louis, vos dons seront integralement consacrés à l'achat de filtres d'eau, qui seront ensuite transmis aux Soeurs de Mère Theresa au Guatemala. Celles-ci connaissent exactement le besoin des plus défavorisés; Ces filtres d'eau (see website: permettent de purifier chaque jour assez d'eau pour une famille de 7 à 10 personnes et réduisent de 50% la mortalité infantile. Les familles à qui l'on donne ces filtres reçoivent également une formation d'hygiène et d'entretien.
POUR Faire parvenir les dons:
Residents Européens et Comptes bancaires en euro
Transfert sur mon compte Bancaire
Société Générale
compte: Ghislain d'Humieres
IBAN: FR76 30003 00190 00058150815 27
Chèque au nom de: Ghislain d'Humieres
à envoyer au Général Septime d'Humieres
Chateau de Marcoles
15220 Marcoles
Residents Americain et Comptes bancaires en US$
(deductible des impots pour residents americains)
Chèque au nom de :Family of the Americas Foundation (MEMO: Ecofiltro/ADF)
à envoyer à Family of the Americas Foundation
5929 Talbot Rd
Lothian, Maryland 20711
allez sur le site:
Merci encore de votre générosité et soutien; tenez moi au courant de vos dons afin que je puisse vous remercier et tenir ma famille au courant.
Ghislain d'Humières
Dear Friends of Louis
Thank you again so much for your kindness and generosity if you had decided to support one of Louis's foundation.
ADF was created in the memory of my late sister, Alix, who was also Louis'Godmother, and helps street children and extremely poor family in Guatemala (see blog:
Louis was getting more involved with this project and as a matter of fact, was going to developp it in Europe in order to help other countries (like Egypt and Sri Lanka..) and join me to raise more funds for underpriviledged people from around the world.
I know that Louis was very keen on the Eco filter project and I would like to direct your gifts in his memory to send filters to the sisters of Mother Theresa in Guatemala who know exactly who is in desperate need. (see website:
How to Donate: (pending your location)
EEC residents and euro bank account:
transfert to my bank
Societe Generale
compte: Ghislain d'Humieres
IBAN: FR76 30003 00190 00058150815 27
Or send a check Payable to: Ghislain d'Humieres and MEMO: ADF
and mail it to General Septime d'Humieres
Chateau de Marcoles
15220 Marcoles
U.S. residents and USD$ bank account (this is tax deductible)
Send a check Payable to: Family of the Americas Foundation and MEMO: ADF
and mail it to Family of the Americas Foundation
5929 Talbot Rd
Lothian, Maryland 20711
or use the Ecofiltro Paypal directly, which you will find on their website (please notify me, if you are using this way of payment)
Thank you again and do not hesitate to ask me any further questions.Make sure to keep me posted on your gift as i would like to make sure to send you a thank you note and keep Louis' familly posted.
Sincerely Yours
(See english version following this message)
Merci du fond du coeur de m'avoir contacté pour faire un don au "Alix Donations Fund (ADF)" en mémoire de mon neveu Louis. Le ADF a été fondé en 2003 en mémoire de ma soeur Alix, décédée Il y a 23 ans. Elle était la marraine de Louis.
Le ADF récolte des dons chaque année avant Noel, afin d'aider les enfants de la rue et les familles du Guatemala (enfants handicapés sans soutien, scolarite des enfants de la rue et distribution des filtres d'eau qui sauvent la vie de nombreuses familles.
Louis soutenait cette mission et nous parlions depuis un an de passer au niveau superieur, car Il voulait s'associer à ce projet et le developper en Europe afin d'aider d'autres pays comme le Sri Lanka et l'Egypte.
Je suis très touché d'avance de vos dons. Connaissant le soucis d'éfficacité de Louis, vos dons seront integralement consacrés à l'achat de filtres d'eau, qui seront ensuite transmis aux Soeurs de Mère Theresa au Guatemala. Celles-ci connaissent exactement le besoin des plus défavorisés; Ces filtres d'eau (see website: permettent de purifier chaque jour assez d'eau pour une famille de 7 à 10 personnes et réduisent de 50% la mortalité infantile. Les familles à qui l'on donne ces filtres reçoivent également une formation d'hygiène et d'entretien.
POUR Faire parvenir les dons:
Residents Européens et Comptes bancaires en euro
Transfert sur mon compte Bancaire
Société Générale
compte: Ghislain d'Humieres
IBAN: FR76 30003 00190 00058150815 27
Chèque au nom de: Ghislain d'Humieres
à envoyer au Général Septime d'Humieres
Chateau de Marcoles
15220 Marcoles
Residents Americain et Comptes bancaires en US$
(deductible des impots pour residents americains)
Chèque au nom de :Family of the Americas Foundation (MEMO: Ecofiltro/ADF)
à envoyer à Family of the Americas Foundation
5929 Talbot Rd
Lothian, Maryland 20711
allez sur le site:
Merci encore de votre générosité et soutien; tenez moi au courant de vos dons afin que je puisse vous remercier et tenir ma famille au courant.
Ghislain d'Humières
Dear Friends of Louis
Thank you again so much for your kindness and generosity if you had decided to support one of Louis's foundation.
ADF was created in the memory of my late sister, Alix, who was also Louis'Godmother, and helps street children and extremely poor family in Guatemala (see blog:
Louis was getting more involved with this project and as a matter of fact, was going to developp it in Europe in order to help other countries (like Egypt and Sri Lanka..) and join me to raise more funds for underpriviledged people from around the world.
I know that Louis was very keen on the Eco filter project and I would like to direct your gifts in his memory to send filters to the sisters of Mother Theresa in Guatemala who know exactly who is in desperate need. (see website:
How to Donate: (pending your location)
EEC residents and euro bank account:
transfert to my bank
Societe Generale
compte: Ghislain d'Humieres
IBAN: FR76 30003 00190 00058150815 27
Or send a check Payable to: Ghislain d'Humieres and MEMO: ADF
and mail it to General Septime d'Humieres
Chateau de Marcoles
15220 Marcoles
U.S. residents and USD$ bank account (this is tax deductible)
Send a check Payable to: Family of the Americas Foundation and MEMO: ADF
and mail it to Family of the Americas Foundation
5929 Talbot Rd
Lothian, Maryland 20711
or use the Ecofiltro Paypal directly, which you will find on their website (please notify me, if you are using this way of payment)
Thank you again and do not hesitate to ask me any further questions.Make sure to keep me posted on your gift as i would like to make sure to send you a thank you note and keep Louis' familly posted.
Sincerely Yours
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