Sunday, September 26, 2004


Dear Friends

Thank you to all of you who had supported me during my year in Guatemala, and thank you in advance to all of you who will continue to help the Street kids and poor families of Guatemala.

After this year as a volunteer helping Street kids to give up on Drugs and Prostitution, as well as raising money in order to buy Water Filters to give pure water to extremely poor families, I realize that I was in the position to help and with YOU, we could make a difference!!

Therefore, with the logistical support of Patrick Atkinson from the God’s child project, I am creating the Alix Donation Fund (in memory of my late sister). This fund will be receiving your donations in order to finance one (or two) project(s) a year (up to your generosity), specifically to help Guatemalan children or extremely poor Mother of families.

Through my permanent contact in Guatemala, I will pick up several ideas of “actions” around Christmas 2004, structure the project, send you an Information email and call to your generosity. Donation will be done through the God Child project’s headquarter in Bismarck (North Dakota), where upon receiving your check, you will get a thank you letter as well as a tax deductible form.
Then, we will accomplish the “project” and send you back a news letter with Photos, to thank you and show you the result of your kindness.!

In advance, I want to thank you deeply for your confidence and I assure you that, even a small gift from you, COULD make a difference in Guatemala.

I have worked last year very closely with Patrick Atkinson, who founded the God’s Child project, and I personally guarantee the integrity of their management.
I have the assurance, that any donation done to the ADF (Alix Donation Fund), will be entirely use for our project (no administration fees!!). Thank you Patrick.

The GOD'S CHILD Project is a wonderful charity for poor and orphaned children, and abandoned mothers with young children at home, I had the opportunity to volunteer with while I was in Guatemala, Central America. What attracted me to this project, above all the other projects and charities I saw while I was in Central America, is how successful, positive, and dedicated The GOD'S CHILD Project is to use every donation they receive to its fullest benefit. As Patrick (founder and director) told me, 'We are surrounded by so many needs and so much poverty; we can't afford to waste a single penny.'

Right now, there are 2,583 boys and girls cared for and educated through The GOD'S CHILD Project. Whenever it is possible, these young children are placed with family members or close relatives who will raise them. When this is not possible, The GOD'S CHILD Project finds and supervises good foster families who then raise these children 'as if they were hijos propios: children of their own flesh and blood.' Without this help, most of these children would be living on the streets and engaged in stealing, drugs, street gang activity, and prostitution. Many would be dead.

The project also works with 8,500 abandoned mothers and very sick people, through the program's clinics, schools, legal advocacy program, and women's support and development groups. It was to these terribly poor women and their children I was able to arrange for you the purchase of 600 very much needed water filters earlier this year, when I volunteered with the program.

The GOD'S CHILD Project is run mostly by volunteers who come to help from around the world. Many of these volunteers come back year after year. All funds donated to the program are externally audited and independently accounted for, and these audits state that 97% of all donations go straight to help the poor that need this help so much.

Therefore, you will be receiving an email, beginning of October 2004, to explain in detail our Christmas 2004 project and give you the information for your potential donation.

Thank you again very much for your attention and your support and I am looking forward to being in touch with you.

Sincerely Yours

Ghislain d’Humieres

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