Saturday, December 06, 2008

Alix Donation Fund Christmas Project 2008/09

Dear Friends,

Greetings from Norman, where I have been for more than a year, as the Director and Chief Curator to the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at University of Oklahoma. It is a challenging and exciting job, which allows me to use my logistical and managerial capacities as well as my creativity toward the development of Education. We are starting building the new extension to the Museum to welcome a new Collection next March, I have still to raise the money for the endowment and secure the future of the Museum and finally, I have been developing an international program of exhibitions, starting with China and at the moment with Russia. All the things I love!!
I will keep you posted on the developments of these projects.

I hope that all of you are well.

This is the information letter for the Alix Donation Fund (ADF) Christmas Project 2008/2009, which I promised to send you every year before the Holidays. Once again we will help Guatemalans through THE GOD'S CHILD Project and Project ECOFILTRO.

As you remembered my “THANK YOU’ email from May 2008, we have exceeded our goal last year with $40,000 which had helped more than 15,000 children and families.

Thank you again for your help two years ago, which has been a very difficult one due to the Hurricane Stan. We managed to make a difference and I would like to carry on this year.

I went to Guatemala in September to check on the different projects the ADF is supporting and I took the decision to select 3 projects again this year, which you have already been supporting previously, BUT I truly think that they are worthwhile and deserve again your favor.

To the extent of your generosity, the Alix Donation Fund (ADF) will finance each of these 3 projects, as much as possible pending your donation. Of course, my dream would be that together we could cover them completely!

Let's try to make this Christmas, more memorable and enjoyable. Please remember that any donation you can give makes a real difference! (...even $25!)

In advance, thank you very much for your help, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Ghislain d'Humieres

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