Friday, December 11, 2009

Greetings from Norman, where I have been for more than two years, as the Director and Chief Curator to the Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at University of Oklahoma. It is a challenging and exciting job, which allows me to use my logistical and managerial capacities as well as my creativity toward the development of Education. We started building the new extension to the Museum to welcome a new Collection (opening March 2011) and I have still to raise the money for the endowment and secure the future of the Museum.I will keep you posted on the developments of these projects.

I hope that all of you are well.

As you remembered my "THANK YOU" email from May 2009, we have exceeded our goal last year with $30,000 which had helped more than 12,000 children and families.


But of course, we have to start again each year.

This past summer has been rough for me as I lost two of my strongest supporters to the ADF. My dear nephew, Louis Lebel, who tragically passed away in an accident last May and my dear friend, Franz Schnass, last September. Franz has been designing the ADF fund raising letters and the blog for the last three years.

Thank you again for all of your nice messages of sympathies and your gifts to the ADF.


This is the information letter for the Alix Donation Fund (ADF) Christmas Project 2009/2010, which I promised to send you every year before the Holidays. Once again we will help Guatemalan's through THE GOD'S CHILD Project and Project ECOFILTRO. However, this year brings something new; a project in the US, and more precisely in Norman, Oklahoma: FOOD 4 KIDS. Although it may sound surprising to add a project in one of the wealthiest nations in the world, the US is also a land of contrasts and there is great poverty, especially in Oklahoma. You would be surprised to learn that 20% of children there suffer from hunger. Yes, you read me correctly: 20% of children haven't enough to eat on a daily basis in the land of McDonald's.

There is also a technical innovation this year in the sense that I will ask you to make contributions directly to the project(s) you want to support OR for European donations please see instructions at the end of this email.

To the extent of your generosity, the Alix Donation Fund (ADF) will finance each of these three projects, as much as possible pending your donation. Of course, my dream would be that together we could cover them completely!

Let's try to make this Christmas, more memorable and enjoyable. Please remember that any donation you can give makes a real difference!

In advance, thank you very much for your help, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. ( [Ghislain@dhumieres,org] ; or cell number: +1 405 250 9006)

After looking at several projects in Guatemala, I took again the decision to select 2 projects this year, which you have already been supporting previously, BUT I truly think that they are worthwhile and deserve again your favor.


IF you are keen on this project, please send donations to:

The God's Child Project
Post Office Box 1573
721 Memorial Highways
Bismarck, ND 58502-1573

Please write your check payable to "The God's Child Project"


OR use this link to pay online.
Project 1:

Special Education Students in Antigua & Surrounding Communities of Handicapped Students

For the first three years, the ADF has been supporting the Hermano Pedro Special Education School (EEHP) by sponsoring the annual salaries of three professional teachers, as well as providing school supplies for the students. This project, which I had personally visited, is incredible and extremely well run. Last year we have sponsored 5 teachers. After reviewing and visiting the project, I have decided to focus on a better teaching and select four teachers with a better training and educative knowledge for special programs. The school will be able to welcome around 100 physically, mentally, intellectually and emotionally handicapped children from January to October 2010.

The annual salary for 4 teachers and part of the school supplies is around $12,500.

When you click on the above link you are going to see some of these 100 special need children as they excitedly start out their new school year... thanks to you!

IF you are keen on this project, please send donations to:

Family of the Americas Foundation

5929 Talbot Rd,

Lothian, MD 20711

Please make your check payable to "Family of the Americas Foundation"

BUT WRITE in MEMO: ADF/Ecofiltro

OR use this link to pay online.
Project 2:

Following Hurricane Stan, Replacement of Water Filters in 4 Villages as well as Distribution of New Filters

This project is done through the organization Eco Filtro:(

 This initiative is quite unique given the big difference that the affected villages' municipalities are thoroughly aware of the health risks of unfiltered water. They have taken responsibility for their population's well being by contributing, quite significantly, to the purchase of the replacement filters. Due to severe droughts, and after my visit to check on the filters, we realized that the capacity to provide clean water is down to 5 to 7 people in each familly instead of 10. This may change next year, as the upcoming winter should be better.

The City halls of some of these municipalities will contribute as follows:

* Joya Grande y Rincon, Grande Chimaltenango will pay 20% of their filters or replacements (Usuarios de AFA): 50 filters for $1,400 and 50 replacements for $850.

* Aldea Cojol Juyu, San Juan Comalapa (Chimaltenango) will pay 20% of their filters (Consejo Comunitario de Desarrollo): 50 filters for $1, 400.

* Zacapa Centro (Usuarios "Corredor Seco" Oriente Guatemala) will receive 100 filters for $3,500 

* Gualan, Zacapa (Usuarios "Corredor Seco" Oriente Guatemala) will receive 100 filters for $3,500

* Hermanas de La Caridad de la Madre Teresa needs 100 filters in Escuintla for $3,500

Also, we will still be supporting Casa Jackson and give them 40 replacement filters and 50 new filters in order to guarantee that the malnourished infants will have pure water. This project will cost $2,710.

For a total of 550 families and malnourished children (around 3,000 people) we will need a total of $16,860.

IF you are keen on this project, please send donations to:

Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma

PO Box 270968

Oklahoma City, OK 73137-0968

Please make your check payable to "Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma"


OR use this link to pay online.

Project 3:

Norman Oklahoma (USA) Food Bank project Help children to get enough food everyday

You may be surprised to learn that one in five children in Oklahoma struggle with hunger on a daily basis. Fortunately, the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma's Food 4 Kids program provides chronically hungry elementary school children in Norman with a backpack of kid-friendly, nutritious food every weekend and holiday throughout the school year. Last school year, 482 children in 15 elementary schools in Norman benefited from the Food 4 Kids program. Before joining Food 4 Kids, these children had very little, or nothing, to eat between their free/reduced price school lunch on Friday and school breakfast on Monday.

Please consider a gift to Food 4 Kids-Norman. $200 will provide a backpack of food for an entire school year for one child. Your help is vital to the lives of these children.

This year, the ADF is trying to raise $10,000 in order to help at least 50 kids.


The campaign in Guatemala is to raise a minimum of $29,360 in order TO HELP more than 3,500 adults and children.This means that with $8.4 per year you can make a huge difference in the life of someone.

In campaign in Norman Oklahoma is to raise $10,000 in order to help at least 50 kids.


For logistical reasons, I will ask that you please send your donation as soon as possible, as the need is huge as usual and the situation really difficult.

My Father is kind enough to receive your gift and will deposit it to my account, from which I will transfer it to the GOD'S CHILD Project, ECOFILTRO or the FOODBANK directly! Shortly after your gift, you will receive a "thank you note" from them, and later on I will send you a Thank You email with photos and details about each of the projects to help those less fortunate that we were able to undertake. Thank you once again for your love and support for the poor. You can't imagine how much I appreciate your kindness and consideration with this.

Please use the payment link for each project as it is easier and faster, or send check in USD directly at one of each charitable organization.


OR, for EEC residents and Euro bank account:


Societe Generale
compte: Ghislain d'Humieres

IBAN: FR76 30003 00190 00058150815 27



Please write check payable to "Ghislain d'Humieres" and send it to my Father:

General Septime d'Humieres 
Chateau de Marcoles

15220, Marcoles


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